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Learn the different ways to colaborate with Political Watch and support us to achieve a fairer and more sustainable society

Join our team

Professionals: pro-bono and hiring

In our projects we try to count with capable people, highly motivated and committed with social justice, the sustainable development and the democratic quality. If you match this profile and would like to be part of our team, contact us on

If you want to collaborate altruistically from your professional or business scope with some of our projects, we will be delighted to know about you!

Students: collaboration scolarships and working experiences

In the last years, more than 20 students have come through Political Watch to learn of our research and public incidence work, while contributing with their academic and professional experience. If you are an undergraduate or master's student and you are looking for an organization where to learn and contribute while you realize your working experience, contact us at and we will inform you about our programs of scolarships and working experiences.


The volunteering people has made invaluable contributions to the recent work of Political Watch. If you know our work, have time and consider that your experience might be valuable for our projects and goals, don't hesitate and contact us at

If you like the work we do, consider collaborating in some of our projects. Your contribution help us to keep supporting innovative projects that promote transparency, the fight against poverty and accountability from the independence and coherence. Collaborate and benefit the tax relief.

Image with Bizum code in Spanish

IBAN: ES20 2100 3284 5113 0035 6362

Don't forget to specify the concept Donation and, in case you want, specify the project of Political Watch where you would like your contribution to go. Contact us to answer any question you have.